Tab Drop-Off/Pick Up
Our drop-off and pick-up model is operated by kind volunteers who have taken the initiative to become a drop-off location. These locations are a mix of businesses, individuals, families, and schools. If you have collected tabs and need to drop them off, see our interactive map to find the closest location to you. Email the individual on the list to collaborate a pick-up or drop-off. Please take into consideration that these people are volunteers and taking time out of their busy schedule to help us out.
If you are interested in becoming a drop-off, email or call/text Dallon Leger with your name, email, and location. We will add you to the map. In addition, please send us a small write up to post on our Facebook Page about why you would like to become a volunteer for Silver for Gold with a picture and watch our Facebook page to see you featured on our post!
We strongly encourage the participation of schools. Tab collection is so simple that all ages can participate! If you are interested in getting your school involved, please encourage them to partake! If you have questions on how to pitch Silver for Gold to your school, contact us for tips, we would be happy to help.
We want "Silver for Gold" to be a common term in every Canadian household. Help spread the word and encourage participation of friends and family near and far!